Bloodstone Crest Signet Ring with the RSHM Cross

Bloodstone Crest Signet Ring with the RSHM Cross

Bloodstone Crest Signet Ring with the RSHM Cross

RSMH Bloodstone Cross Signet Ring

Classic style signet ring in 14 Karat yellow gold signet features a 14 x 16 millimeter, oval bloodstone carved with crest for the RSHM. This bloodstone has RSMH Cross bloodstone signet ringbeen carved deeply in reverse for wax sealing. It has the Latin words on the cross."Ut vitam habeant" and RSHM CROSS. The Latin means that "they may have life" It comes from the New Testament -- John's Gospel. It is part of the charism (spirit) of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary. In all the order does that is what they hope to bring to others. They do a variety of ministries.

Dear Michael,
The ring arrived and it is absolutely perfect! Words do not describe the craftsmanship and distinction it shows. It really is beyond words!
Thank you very much,

Bloodstone, green jasper dotted with bright red spots of iron oxide, was treasured in ancient times and served for a long time as the birthstone for March. This attractive chalcedony quartz is also known as heliotrope because in ancient times polished stones were described as reflecting the sun: perhaps the appearance of the gem reminded the ancients of the red setting sun, mirrored in the ocean.

Medieval Christians often used bloodstone to carve scenes of the crucifixion and martyrs, for which reason it was also dubbed the martyr's stone. According to the legend about the origin of bloodstone, it was first formed when drops of Christ's blood fell and stained some jasper at the foot of the cross. A beautiful example of carved bloodstone with the seal of the German Emperor Rudolf II can be seen at the Louvre in Paris.

Carved Gemstone Crest Signet Ring Order Details Here

14 x 16 Millimeter Bloodstone

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